IACC Autism Research Portfolio Analysis Reports
IACC Autism Research Portfolio Analysis Reports
The IACC Autism Research Portfolio Analysis Reports provide the IACC with comprehensive information about the status of autism research funding among federal agencies and private research organizations in the U.S. This information is also used by advocacy organizations, government agencies, private funders, and the broader autism community to understand the autism research funding landscape.
Autism Research Database
Autism Research Database

The Autism Research Database (ARD) is an interactive online companion database to the IACC series of Autism Research Portfolio Analysis Reports. Currently, the database holds autism research information from 2008-2020. It is searchable by keyword, for either a selected year of your choice or across all of the years of data available.
The ARD includes the following information, which can also be downloaded as an .xls document:
- Project descriptions
- Principal investigators
- Institutions
- Funders
- IACC Strategic Plan Questions
- IACC Strategic Plan Objectives
- Subcategories
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities
Autism Science Foundation
Autism Speaks
The FAR Fund
NIDILRR Field Initiated Projects: Minority-Serving Institutions
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Simons Foundation