IACC Strategic Planning Workgroup - July 8, 2008

Topic | Topic Description |
Date: | Tuesday, July 8, 2008 |
Time: | 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern |
Agenda: | To Formalize Total Costs for the Short and Long Term Objectives of the IACC’s Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research |
Place: | No in-person meeting; conference call and webinar only |
Who can attend: | Attendance at the meeting itself will be limited to workgroup members. |
Conference Call Access: | Dial: (888) 455-2920 |
Webinar: | https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/250792981 |
Contact Person: | Tanya Pryor National Institute of Mental Health, NIH 6001 Executive Boulevard, NSC Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9669 Phone: (301) 443-7153 |
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Time | Event |
10:00 a.m. | Welcome |
10:10 a.m. | Orientation to Task Review Strategic Plan Sections |
10:20 a.m. | Introduction and Crosscutting Themes |
10:30 a.m. | Question 1: When should I be concerned? |
10:50 a.m. | Question 2: How can I understand what is happening? |
11:10 a.m. | Question 3: What caused this to happen and can this be prevented? |
11:30 a.m. | Break |
11:40 a.m. | Question 4: Which treatments or interventions will help? |
12:00 p.m. | Question 5: Where can I tum for services? |
12:20 p.m. | Question 6: What does the future hold? |
12:40 p.m. | Summary |
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The purpose for the strategic planning workgroup meeting was to review and comment on the draft Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Research. Thomas Insel, M.D., who chaired the meeting, explained that the draft SP is not a final plan because it does not include cost estimates for implementing the research objectives in the plan. He informed the workgroup that the IACC would seek additional comments on the draft plan from many ASD stakeholders, including the public at large.
Dr. Insel also clarified that although services research for ASD falls within the scope of the plan, provision of services and supports for ASD does not. In March 2008, the IACC established a Services Subcommittee to assess and improve services and supports for people with ASD and their families.
The meeting was held as a webinar. A total of 76 people participated, including workgroup and IACC members (whose comments could be heard) and members of the public (who could listen to the discussion).
The SP workgroup members commented on the draft SP. The individual comments were summarized and presented to the IACC at its July 2008 meeting. (For a copy of the slide presentation, please email IACCPublicInquiries@mail.nih.gov and indicate in the subject line "Slide Request for Report on SPWG Meeting, IACC Meeting 7/15/08.") The IACC considered all of the comments from the workgroup and determined which should be adopted for inclusion in the draft SP.
Chair |
Thomas Insel, M.D. (Chair) Director National Institute of Mental Health |
Members | |
David Amaral, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair) Professor MIND Institute University of California, Davis Peter Bell Executive Vice President Autism Speaks Mark F. Blaxill, MBA Vice President Coalition for Safe Minds Judith Cooper, Ph.D. Deputy Director National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Director, Division of Scientific Programs Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair) Chief Science Officer Autism Speaks Steve Eiken, M.A. Senior Analyst, Chronic Care and Disability Research Division Thomson Healthcare Daniel Geschwind, M.D., Ph.D. (Workshop Chair) Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology Director, Transcend Research Program Harvard Medical School Alice Kau, Ph.D. Program Official, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability Branch Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Insitute of Child Health and Human Development Catherine Lord, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair) Director, University of Michigan Autism and Communication Disorders Center University of Michigan |
David Mandell, Sc.D. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research University of Pennsylvania Prisca Chen Marvin, J.D. Advisory Council Member National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Sam Odom, Ph.D. Director, FPG Child Development Institute University of North Carolina Isaac Pessah, Ph.D. Professor and Chair VM: Molecular Biosciences Director, Center for Childrens Environmental Health Univerity of California, Davis Denise D. Resnick Co-Founder and Board Chairman Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center Stephen Shore, Ed.D AutismAsperger.net IACC Public Member V. Fan Tait, M.D. Associate Executive Director and Director Department of Community and Speciality Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics Edwin Trevathan, M.D., M.P.H. Director, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Center for Disease Control and Prevention Lucille Zeph, Ed. D. Director, Center for Community Inclusion & Disability Studies Associate Professor of Education University of Maine Andrew Zimmerman, M.D. Associate Professor and Director of Medical Neuroscience Kennedy Krieger Institute |
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