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Conference Call #3 of the IACC’s Strategic Plan Update - Working Group 3

Question 3: What Caused This To Happen and Can It Be Prevented?

meeting announcement Meeting Information
Topic Topic Description
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2016              
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Conference Call Access: Phone: 888-469-2977
Access code: 4505623
Cost: The meeting is free and open to the public.
Members Working Group 3 Biographies

meeting agenda Agenda
Time Event
11:30 a.m. Welcome and Introductions

Susan Daniels, Ph.D., Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination, NIMH and Executive Secretary, IACC

David Amaral, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science; Research Director, M.I.N.D. Institute, University of California - Davis; and Co-Chair IACC Strategic Plan Question 3 Working Group

Cindy Lawler, Ph.D., Chief, Genes, Environment and Health Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and Co-Chair IACC Strategic Plan Question 3 Working Group
11:35 Discussion of Chapter Outline
11:45 Discussion of Proposed Strategic Plan Objectives for Question 3

Areas highlighted on previous calls for possible consideration:
  1. Strengthen understanding of genetic risk factors for ASD across a large population representing the full diversity and heterogeneity of those with ASD.
  2. Understand the effects on ASD risk of individual and multiple exposures in both the pre- and postnatal environment over time, enabling development of strategies for reducing severe disability and comorbidities in ASD.
  3. Expand knowledge about the functional linkages and complex relationships between environmental risk factors and specific biological mechanisms that may be involved in ASD, such as altered gene expression or immune pathways.
12:45 Discussion of Change to Aspirational Goal

Causes of ASD will be discovered that inform diagnosis, prognosis and treatments and lead to prevention/preemption of the challenges and disabilities (severe disability and comorbidities in) of ASD.
  • Working group members proposed that the word “diagnosis” be inserted after the word “inform.”
  • There was also discussion about whether the word “challenges” is too broad and should be changed to a more specific word.
  • Does the group want to consider any other changes to the aspirational goal?
Title: What Caused This to Happen and Can It Be Prevented?
  • Does the group want to consider making any changes to the chapter’s title? (On the last call, the group did not suggest changes.)
12:55 Wrap up and next steps
1:00 Adjourn

meeting materials Materials

meeting transcript Transcript

meeting Summary Summary

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